Lindsey Graham War Criminal

There it is, Lindsey Graham just confirmed that the only reason they’re doing this war in Ukraine is money, and it’s the kind of money they print out of thin air pretty much every year.

This sick evil pedophile motherfucker funded literal Nazis waving swastikas, run by a Jew of course, to bomb the Donbass for eight years, killing tens of thousands of civilians, which drove Russia to invade just to save them, in a war that has killed over a million so far, and which could end in a five hundred meter nuclear tsunami wiping out all life on earth, or most of it, and it was because of as much money as America can print out of thin air in a second.

They literally nailed Russian soldiers to crosses, shot them in the legs, tortured them in ways I can’t even imagine, so they could swing their big dick around over pocket change, and how big is their big dick now that they’ve worked out what Russia can actually do?

From what I’ve learned from military experts, Russia and China have hypersonic missiles and America doesn’t.

They can beat America with or without nukes, if they team up, and they have started to team up against America because everyone can see America is the most evil county in the world, at least at the top, with the exception of Israel, who control them.

Russia literally have better weapons and more of them, a less divided and healthier population who are more prepared for war, and apart from anything else, the whole world is beginning to move away from the US dollar to use the new BRICS system, and it’s all the fault of sick evil child killing monsters like him.

If you saw an evil mass murderer going on a rampage murdering children in the street, you’d mow him down, without a single thought, if you had a gun and you saw it happening, because that’s what you’re supposed to do.

For some reason, these psychopathic war criminals who are literally risking all life on earth don’t seem to fall into that category, in the minds of the brainwashed masses of America, even though virtually nobody supports these neo con scum anymore.

I argue that it is completely legal and self defense to kill any of these rabid, psychopathic war hawks as traitors and war criminals who are risking all life on earth with nuclear Armageddon, and that is backed up by international law, which they don’t follow, but the law still applies.

The law says that if you see somebody trying to kill anybody, let alone millions of people, especially if it’s you and your family, which it is, but even if it’s not, you can kill them in defense of the people they’re mass murdering.

That is my understanding of the law, and if that isn’t your understanding of the law, then no laws apply, because this is very clear.

You have no hypersonic missiles, you have no chance of implementing the draft, the numbers in the military are down, you’re 34 trillion dollars in debt, for some reason, even though you can print money out of thin air, and this psychopathic motherfucker is going to get you all killed, and he’s killing literally millions of people as we speak, so kill the sick evil child killing motherfucker, right now, in defense of the lives of every single person on earth, especially in America, which is where the hypersonic nuclear missiles are aimed, and have been aimed the whole time.

That might wake up these psychopaths that war is real and it has real consequences, to them, not just the cattle they send to war, to die by the millions, and if nukes aren’t real, and Putin is controlled by the same Jewish bankers, then that’s an even bigger reason why you should kill them, because they lied about everything.

If you disagree and say he isn’t personally guilty of killing anyone, then why is Charles Manson in jail?

No, this is legally quite clear, he’s an international war criminal, inciting world war three, and they don’t follow any laws, or any sort of morals of any kind at all, and he needs to die, for your safety, not the other way around.

You have this mission should you choose to accept it, and well there’s gotta be at least a hundred people who will get to see this video, due to the censorship. That’s enough, seriously.

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