The Feminism Psyop

I don’t spend a lot of time on this topic, because very few people want to hear what I have to say about it, and it could legitimately be more risky than calling out the Jews, but I think it is very important, so I’ll explain my position on it again.

Feminism was a eugenics program. It was designed specifically to reduce the numbers of humans because of things like the great depression, where Americans actually starved to death in legitimate numbers, and there are problems caused by overpopulation like pollution and the toxic pesticides used to mass produce food, but it’s important to understand their motivation for doing these things, from the top down.

When they raised the age of consent in America a bit over a hundred years ago by five years in some cases, it had absolutely nothing to do with the brains of girls not being developed enough to understand what they were doing.

They always got married sometime in the early teens, in every culture all around the world, and they messed up all of that tradition completely.

They were getting married in their early teens in America, up until about fifty years ago, maybe even later, but they had laws like with their parent’s permission they could get married at twelve in some states, until only a few decades ago, and from a quick Google search, they still only banned underage marriages in twelve states of America today.

However, from the way these people talk, you would assume something completely different. They seem to be suggesting that if a man is attracted to a girl under eighteen, or even if a woman is attracted to a boy under eighteen, that means they are by their new definition, a pedophile.

What I can clearly demonstrate with evidence going back to caveman times, is that would mean everyone is a pedophile.

They created the problem out of thin air, and if you’re wondering why nobody talked about it in the past, it’s because it wasn’t even considered to be a problem, apart from fornication, adultery, prostitution, outside the bonds of marriage for life.

The other reason for the constant psychological warfare attack on men in particular is that they wanted to break up the nuclear family, so they could sell it all back to you as porn and prostitution.

Whereas in the past, you could just be a man, with a decent job, and that was enough to provide for a family, they now want you to either watch the free porn, or pay hundreds, or even thousands of dollars an hour for the thrill of touching one of these creatures.

This has completely destroyed society, perhaps permanently, and meant that a guy like me, who doesn’t look ugly, who owns a nice house, just an average sort of guy, I have never been in a relationship longer than a couple of years, and most of the time, I did not have the energy, the patience, or the money, required to please these entitled princess feminist bitches from hell.

Now I know that there are girls who had a bad experience with men, but it’s more a product of the taboo itself, rather than the sex itself, and it’s an infinite feedback loop where only one side of the conversation can be heard, because of all these lunatics constantly threatening death for all pedophiles, which as I just explained, includes them, and everyone in the history of the world, by their new definition.

I have personally experienced people telling me they want to kill me, just for taking a look at the other side of the story, and I don’t care.

That is what happened, and that is why society is completely destroyed, the eugenics program of feminism, and it was the Rockerfellers, the Rothschilds, Margaret Sanger and the usual suspects the Jews who created it, not teenage girls, or their parents.

Therefore a conservative position would be to go back to doing things the way they always did, and you cannot possibly do that and participate in this character assassination of all men for being men, at the same time.

Just to clarify, I don’t actually want a teenage girl myself, I mean I do in theory, by my basic instinct as a man, but not in practice, so it’s more for the next generation, which will not come from me, unless these women want to chase me up for my unvaccinated sperm, and I’m just done chasing them.

I mentioned Charles Manson in my last video, and that was a CIA MK Ultra project which used tons of LSD and mind control and they convinced regular young girls to kill famous people, and then skip through the courtroom singing nursery rhymes with a swastika carved into their foreheads.

You don’t think that something like that could have happened to you without you even noticing? OK, sure.

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