The 80 Year Curse

That was an evil lying piece of crap, lying through his teeth, about every single thing he just said.

He knows he’s lying, and he knows you know he’s lying, but he just keeps lying, because that’s the culture of the Jews, particularly in Israel.

They lie and they kill children, and then they dance and sing songs about the genocide of the goy and remember Amalek every year, celebrating all the times they killed the human animals, not seeming to recognize that they were never able to keep a functioning nation going for more than eighty years.

It’s called the eighty year curse, and here’s a Jew talking a bit about that.

We have much to learn from history. Twice before there existed here, in the Land of Israel, sovereign Jewish kingdoms, and the beginning of the collapse of both kingdoms began in the eighth decade of their existence.

Both kingdoms existed for about two hundred and twenty years, but the beginning of their end sprouted, with incredible timing, in the eighth decade of their sovereignty.

It is the duty of Israelis here and now to ensure that the situation here does not become a rerun of the terrible movie we’ve already seen twice before.

The first Jewish state, founded by King David, accomplished phenomenal achievements and survived united for eighty years.

In the eighty first year, due to internal conflicts, the kingdom of the House of David disintegrated into the separate kingdoms of Yehuda and Yisrael, and so began its fall. In the process, we lost millions of our brothers, the members of the Ten Tribes, who, according to Rabbi Akiva, “will not return in the future.”

The second Jewish state was the Hasmonean kingdom during the Second Temple era. It existed for seventy seven years as a united and sovereign kingdom.

In the eighth decade of its life, the kingdom was torn apart by infighting, which led the representatives of the two camps claiming the crown to approach Pompey in Syria, each one begging him to agree to make them vassals of Rome.

And so the sovereign Hasmonean state became a degraded protectorate state of Rome, devoid of proud Jewish sovereignty.

The establishment of the State of Israel seventy five years ago is the third attempt to overcome the “curse of the eighth decade,” which defeated the two previous Jewish states.

We are currently in the midst of our third opportunity, but it is uncertain whether we will survive it.

Before our eyes, we are witnessing fratricidal hatred, and right now it really doesn’t matter who started it, because both sides bear equal responsibility for the terrible social chaos that is eating us apart, just as Bourguiba predicted.

37 opposing candidates killed, hundreds attacked in a non lethal way.

All the warning signs of a national catastrophe are flashing red. And don’t under any circumstances count on the possibility of a fourth chance.

Small comfort can be found in the fact that other nations have also experienced the “curse of the eighth decade” in a very painful way.

The bloody American Civil War broke out eighty five years after the adoption of the Constitution. Oh, what luck, it happened to them in the ninth decade!

Italy became fascist and Germany became a Nazi terrorist state in the eighth decade after each nation’s unification.

The Third Republic of France, founded in 1871 surrendered to the Nazi boot in 1940, in its eighth decade, while the communist monster that was born in the October Revolution of 1917 began to disintegrate in the 1980s and was finally shattered into pieces seventy four years after its founding in 1991.

What is the spell that brings crisis and breaks up kingdoms in a nation’s eighth decade?

So you lying child killing scum only ever had a state of Israel twice before, and it only lasted three generations each time?

You got kicked out of every country you ever lived in, by your own admission, and you don’t get why people hate you?

It’s real easy to understand, and I’ll just explain it again.

When you lie through your teeth about everything, and don’t even care that everyone knows you’re lying, you become known as a race of liars, and people write books like the Jews and their lies.

The interesting thing about that book was it was written by a guy who still believed the Jewish lies, as he was writing a book about their lies.

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I can’t even fathom how you can see their psychopathic lust for power and the lengths they will go to in order to take over the world, but not recognize that they lied and made up a Jew worshiping cult, Christianity, and that was the only reason they were able to take over the world.

It isn’t partially the reason they have all the money and appoint American presidents, it’s the only reason.

The only reason the Jews are in charge is they lied through their teeth about everything, from the moment they first opened their evil, child killing, pedophile Jew mouths.

Even the story itself says Jesus called them a bunch of scum, a den of thieves, a nest of vipers, hypocrites, a synagogue of Satan, turned over their money tables and got nailed to a cross because of it, but then the story expects you to believe that those evil lying scum were still always the chosen ones, who were telling the truth when they said God told them to stone people to death for picking up sticks on a Saturday.

At this point, I believe anyone who believes any Jewish lies from any time period, are a much larger threat than the Jews themselves, in the same way that the armed forces who follow orders are the real threat and not the geriatric pedophile at the top who gives the orders.

If the majority of people didn’t listen to these lying scum, there isn’t any more to it, you could knock them over with a feather, but because they believe the Jewish lies, and pretty much everything is Jewish lies, it makes it seem like an insurmountable task.

I’m going to say what I said the whole time during the covid scam, just to remind you of something.

I’m in Australia, and the American news was saying we shouldn’t have given up our weapons, because they would never let something like that happen in America.

There’s 3.5 million guns in the Australian public, and there’s one hundred thousand police.

No specific advantage really, a bullet proof vest maybe, a few armored cars and trucks, but if everyone wanted them dead, they’re dead because we outnumber them, with weapons, in Australia, by thirty five to one.

The army is another hundred thousand people, but they didn’t join to bomb their own civilian populations, and in fact if they tried to do that, they wouldn’t even get through one percent due to the cost of the bombs, and the loss of the money that losing the population that pays the taxes that pays for the bombs would cause.

Do you get that? The government cannot and would not ever kill all its own people, because it is like killing themselves, unless it’s not actually your government at all, but a bunch of Jews.

The only situation where that makes any sort of sense is if they planned to nuke the whole world and hide out in bunkers for many years and resurface when the fallout had dissipated.

However if there were any survivors, it’s not like you could possibly forget the people who nuked the world, and so the war would be back on, again.

What the Jews show is that you can gain a lot of power through telling lies, you can get your own private jet, you can get some hot chicks, a ton of cocaine, and maybe even get people to call you chosen by God, but if you’re not careful, and you push too hard, and you can’t stop lying and killing children, people will wake up to the whole goddamn thing, which is what is definitely happening, again.

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